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    PCSPECIALIST Anyone know the base Clevo/Tongfang model for the new Recoil 16?

    Ah perfect, found it thanks!
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    PCSPECIALIST Anyone know the base Clevo/Tongfang model for the new Recoil 16?

    As thread title, I am wondering what's the base chassis model for this laptop:
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    PCSPECIALIST Screen dimming for no reason

    There is a setting in the BIOS under advanced chipset control called "Battery saver" - this needs to be disabled.
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    PCSPECIALIST Defiance Laptop Overheating!!

    You don't need Clevo Control Centre or any specific driver - the embedded controller handles the default fan curves, CCC will let you adjust these but not stop them from working at all. The correct answer is that 90 C is simply normal for this CPU in this laptop when under load. The only way to...
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    PCSPECIALIST 17" Defiance - Tips for reducing fan noise?

    The built in Clevo fan control is kind of garbage, you can try this if you want: It's a fan control app that lets you set custom temperature based fan curves, I've been using it on my 15" Defiance so far, if the 17" is also a two fan system (not...
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    PCSPECIALIST Clevo P950HR Keyboard

    It's a known issue with this model, I had the exact model (PCS equivalent was Defiance XS), went through about 4 keyboards over 3 years. I was able to order replacements via my account.
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    PCSPECIALIST Weird power issue with Defiance when on battery

    Is the Defiance a DTR though? It's a 3070 "Max Q" and 10870H, both "low" power high efficiency components. Just seems a bit weird that rather than throttling the power levels when on battery as it has done on the previous Defiance models, it just switches off abruptly as soon as any load is...
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    PCSPECIALIST Weird power issue with Defiance when on battery

    I have a Defiance 2021 with 10870H and 3070, and it has a weird power issue that I've never encountered on any laptop before, when running on battery. Basically, whenever a sudden load is introduced (i.e. benchmark app or a game) while running on battery, the laptop simply shuts down. I'm...
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    PCSPECIALIST Faint beep before fan kicks in

    Might be the actual sound of the fan kicking in? I noticed similar noises on my Clevo as well, Clevo fans can be pretty crap tbh.
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    PCSPECIALIST Nova shutting down under load

    So unplugging/replugging at the laptop itself doesn't do anything? If so, then it seems like a safety switch is tripping within the power brick itself (surge protection?) which is only reset when you unplug the wall to brick lead. Most likely a faulty power brick.
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    PCSPECIALIST Nova shutting down under load

    For GPU stress test use Furmark.
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    PCSPECIALIST Control Center 3.0 GPU fan dial stuck at zero

    Correct me if I am wrong, but the Recoil is a Tongfang chassis whereas you seem to be using the Clevo Control Centre.
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    PCSPECIALIST X170SM-G RAM compatible ?

    How come a lot of the newer Intel laptops (even with 10th gen CPUs) come with 3200 MHz RAM then? It must be supported in some way?
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    PCSPECIALIST X170SM-G RAM compatible ?

    Looks like the XMP-3200 profile requires 1.35V instead of 1.2V, would need to check if the motherboard supports this voltage otherwise it will likely run at 2666 MHz max.
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    I also get around 82 C on the GPU in some games. If I use max fan it usually stays around 79-80 C. You can enable max fan by pressing Fn + 1. For the CPU 85 C is ok.
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    Change the CCC profile to "Entertainment" and you should have lower temps.
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    You should be able to log into your PCS account on the site, then go to the download section, you should see this: With CCC you can choose the Entertainment profile and also adjust your fan curves so you can get lower temperatures. I don't use CCC but I used ThrottleStop to undervolt and...
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    Do you have CCC installed?
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    PCSPECIALIST Deviance problem

    I have the same laptop and the only way I could get the fingerprint to work was to download it from here: Note - DO NOT click the "download driver" button as it ends up downloading an EXE file which is probably some shady driver manager/updater, make sure you expand it and click the "download...
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    PCSPECIALIST Timespy Record with 3070?

    Managed to get these scores without any overclocking, only tuning using Throttlestop and GeForce Experience Auto Tuning): This is on the 15" Defiance with RTX 3070 (105W) and Intel 10870H.