Control Center 2.0 - Fan setting not working - GPU


We love you Ukraine
I never have this kind of installation. Nvdia Geforce experience download the lastest driver and install it automatically alone.
Should i try to remove geforce experience and do a clean install ?
I would. Use ddu to uninstall the current driver, then install the latest direct from nvidia again.

In future when updating gpu drivers from GeForce experience, always select a custom install and a clean installation as above.



Bronze Level Poster

Thank you Spydertracks.

With a clean install of my gpu driver (using DDU) it is now working again :)


We love you Ukraine

Thank you Spydertracks.

With a clean install of my gpu driver (using DDU) it is now working again :)

It's a bug in most drivers to be honest but most prevalent in GPU drivers, always specify a clean install and it will thoroughly remove the old drivers just like DDU does before installing the new ones.

Otherwise it just installs over the top and leaves traces of the previous driver, and if there were any faults with the previous driver, then it causes problems like this.

Glad it's sorted :)



I have exactly the same laptop (octane vi, i7 8700K, RTX 2080 max p) with exactly the same problem. I followed all the steps, I uninstalled the display drivers with ddu, I downloaded the most up to date version of control centre. I installed new Nvidia drivers on custom and clean installation.

The GPU fans still don't work on auto. I can set the offset to adjust the speed manually. But the issue seems to be that the software doesn't read my gpu temperature. CPU works fine

HWinfo reads GPU perfectly.

Can you help? I'm stuck now. I mean I can do it manually, which to be fair isn't such a bad thing as it keeps me checking my temps. But it's frustrating that it doesn't work.

Do I maybe need to update the bios?

If so, I'm unsure how to do that.


Oh I forgot to mention that when I uninstalled the Nvidia drivers with ddu. I didn't get Nvidia control panel back and I have to download it from Windows.

Could that be part of the problem?


We love you Ukraine
Oh I forgot to mention that when I uninstalled the Nvidia drivers with ddu. I didn't get Nvidia control panel back and I have to download it from Windows.

Could that be part of the problem?
That’s not the nvidia driver then.

Id suggest reading back over the thread. Control center is a master driver which ties into all drivers already installed. If they’re not installed correctly first then control center won’t work.


Thanks for your reply.

I hope that you and your family/friends are well at this crazy time.

I downloaded the driver from geforce experience. I read somewhere that Microsoft store has the Nvidia Control Panel now.

NVIDIA Control Panel Windows Store App. PerMicrosoft requirements, theNVIDIA Control Panel is no longer included in the driver package and is instead distributed exclusively through the Microsoft Storeand seamlessly installed following the completion of the NVIDIA driver installation.Dec 10, 2019.

I copied and paste that directly from Nvidia customer service.

Upon your advice I see that the recommendation is to remove geforce experience. I didn't do that when given the option as I thought it was the easiest way to get the driver.

Should I keep geforce experience removed and download directly from nvidia?

Many Thanks


I removed the drivers again using ddu. This time I removed geforce experience and downloaded the drivers direct from Nvidia website.

I did not take the option to have geforce experience installed with the driver.

Everything now works correctly.

Thanks for your advice to review the thread again.


Hi again

So I shut down my laptop and when I booted it up the issue with control centre returned again!

Any ideas. I am in the process of repeating my steps from yesterday.......


We love you Ukraine
Hi again

So I shut down my laptop and when I booted it up the issue with control centre returned again!

Any ideas. I am in the process of repeating my steps from yesterday.......
And you're using the control center from Clevo downloads?


We love you Ukraine
Hmmmm, yeah that's definitely the latest version, you're doing everything right.

I'd contact PCS first thing tomorrow and explain it to them. It's possible there's some configuration setting that I'm missing, or it's possible it's a bug with that version of Control Center and if so, they can relay that to Clevo to get an update done (hopefully).

I don't know why that would be happening I'm afraid other than a bug.

I know CCC literally embeds itself in most of the drivers including sound, camera, fans, cpu, BIOS, it's quite a integral driver so if something's not installed correctly then it can cause problems.



Thanks for your help.

It's odd, because it worked fine after I performed the ritual as previously described.

But I have tried it a few times and I just can't get it working.


We love you Ukraine

Thanks for your help.

It's odd, because it worked fine after I performed the ritual as previously described.

But I have tried it a few times and I just can't get it working.
Yeah, there's something up with that, shouldn't behave like that.