will i be able to enable XMP myself in the bios if i buy from pcspecialist

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Simple, and not exactly perfect, summary (and just in my opinion)…
  • 4060Ti/4070 for 1080p
  • 4070 Ti Super for 1440p/UW1440p
  • 4080 Super for 4K

64GB RAM will make zero difference to anything you’re running that doesn’t actually need it. Do you KNOW you have an app that requires it?
do you think ill need mroe case fans than ive put in the build paul?


thanks maybe ill save a few pounds and get 4070 given i havent the intentions of playing 4k just yet
…and that’s one of the questions posed in the sticky.

if you don't tell us what resolution/framerate your monitor is or what FPS you’re aiming for, then we can’t say what the correct / best value GPU is…and that also has an effect on the PSU, as a lower end GPU means you don’t need a 1500W PSU.

I have never played Valorant (competitively or otherwise), so don’t know how heavy the game is on system resources.
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We love you Ukraine
im only asking your opinion on the build ive given to you above but if you have no immediate thoughts and think its impossible to say thats fine i was just curious your opinion.
I have a lot of thoughts but without knowing what it’s driving it’s impossible to give any recommendation

It’s a couple of questions we need answering to be able to best advise.

Currently the build doesn’t make sense certainly for gaming
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I have a lot of thoughts but without knowing what it’s driving it’s impossible to give any recommendation

I genuinely don’t understand why people think this is some kind of difficulty from us, it’s literally a couple of questions we need answering to be able to best advise.

Currently the build doesn’t make sense certainly for gaming

I’ll quit now, pointless, people who don’t have a clue about PCs shouldn’t be buying custom, they won’t be able to manage it
4080 super gpu and 7800x3d doesnt make sense for gaming can you elaborate on this? i was recomennded both of these are they bad?


You don’t need the 4xQX fan kit as the H150i iCUE LINK cooler will easily cool the 7800X3D…but if you want more RGB fans then the QX ones are the same ecosystem as the AIO.
thanks for the actual help it seems spydertrackes was dropped on his head at birth, nice to see someone with actual advice


Well, I’m not really helping, as I’m just providing generalisation, as that’s all anyone can give with a vague scope.


You don’t need the 4xQX fan kit as the H150i iCUE LINK cooler will easily cool the 7800X3D…but if you want more RGB fans then the QX ones are the same ecosystem as the AIO.
5000d doesnt come with many fans so i fugured the gpu would need more cooling hence why i added extra fans. you dont think i need the 4x kit?


A bunch of things make little sense here. 64GB RAM for gaming is pointlesss. The 990 is very fast, but poor value. The cooler and fans are absurd overkill.

What is your budget? What monitor do you have?
2600 pounds. the build i have only 32 gb ram so im guessing thats fine. i use 360hz zowie monitor so ill play 1080 p and really want 7800x3d cpu and im torn between 4070 or 4080 as im like i said only playing 1080 p so i think maybe 4070 is better value as for cooling yeah i wasnt sure as the 5000d do0esnt have many case fans thats why i put in the 4x kit should i remove it? what should i put in for case fans if not the 4x fans?


5000d doesnt come with many fans so i fugured the gpu would need more cooling hence why i added extra fans. you dont think i need the 4x kit?
Again, the cooling required depends on the GPU chosen, and the workload…so it’s all interlinked.

For example, if the game is 1080p and CPU limited, then a 4070 GPU won’t be working hard and won’t create lots of heat…so a good airflow case (like the 5000D) will not need extra cooling. If it’s 4k ray-tracing and GPU limited running a 4080 Super then extra cooling might help.

BUT, the H150i will be doing a LOT of the cooling, and pulling air through the case anyway.

I like RGB, and cool/quiet PC, so go for lots of fans, but run them on very low speeds so that they’re almost silent.


okay so may i ask im assuming you think my cooling is great overkill. i thought the 4x kit were making up for the case fans that arent includied in the pc case. but if you think its overkill sao instead of the 4x kit what would you personally do?


This is from your other thread…just so we can keep the discussion in one place…and it may answer some of the questions we’ve been asking.

2600 pounds. the build i have only 32 gb ram so im guessing thats fine. i use 360hz zowie monitor so ill play 1080 p and really want 7800x3d cpu and im torn between 4070 or 4080 as im like i said only playing 1080 p so i think maybe 4070 is better value as for cooling yeah i wasnt sure as the 5000d do0esnt have many case fans thats why i put in the 4x kit should i remove it? what should i put in for case fans if not the 4x fans?


The 4070 should be plenty, as (from what I’ve read) Valorant is heavier on the CPU than the GPU at 1080p, but neither will be particularly worked hard, so shouldn’t need more cooling.

If you play anything else more demanding, or move to higher resolutions, then that might…but the iCUE LINK fans are very easy to install later.

So at this point it’s a want over a need…but I always go for more RGB fans as a personal aesthetic choice, even if it doesn’t offer any performance increase.



This is from your other thread…just so we can keep the discussion in one place…and it may answer some of the questions we’ve been askthanks

This is from your other thread…just so we can keep the discussion in one place…and it may answer some of the questions we’ve been asking.
yeah so ill try and like order the uestions i have, prettyy much 1. i want a 7800x3d with either a 4070 or 4080 not sure which gpu is better value. 2. the ssd i just heard is really fast but do you think i should scale down and get cheaper? 3. ive noticed from the comments from your collegues that the cooling is horrific overkill so what would you change?


The 4070 should be plenty, as (from what I’ve read) Valorant is heavier on the CPU than the GPU at 1080p, but neither will be particularly worked hard.

thanks i think the biggest issue with my build is the cooling my logic was it was my first build and i didnt want to undercool and have overheat issues so i added so many fans. but i see theres no NEED for them and more of a want so basically am i correct in thinking if i use 4x kit its me overspending just for the aesthetic?
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At 1080p you won’t see any benefit of an 4070Ti Super or 4080 Super over a standard 4070 at 1080p…it just more money for performance you’ll never see n that game/monitor.

The SSD comments are because we don’t recommend having Windows and games on the same drive. This explains it in more detail, and saves me typing something similar.

BTW, you’d have got all this advice much earlier had you followed the guide (that SpyderTracks posted), as I’m sure one of the volunteer helpers would have taken your original build and tweaked it for you…but without the link, budget, monitor, usage details, they’re not going to waste their time.


At 1080p you won’t see any benefit of an 4070Ti Super or 4080 Super over a standard 4070 at 1080p…it just more money for performance you’ll never see n that game/monitor.

The SSD comments are because we don’t recommend having Windows and games on the same drive. This explains it in more detail, and saves me typing something similar.

BTW, you’d have got all this advice much earlier had you followed the guide (that SpyderTracks posted), as I’m sure one of the volunteer helpers would have taken your original build and tweaked it for you…but without the link, budget, monitor, usage details, they’re not going to waste their time.
i mustve not seen the guide as that wouldve been great to have someone tweak it for me.

i read the ssd thing so would you recommend me instead of having 1 2tb drive having 2 1tb drive instead? so then windows would be on a different drive
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Thank you for locking this @JakAttack.

Personal attacks are never necessary nor are they tolerated. The comments have since been removed.

I will address members privately following this message.

@regrerge , if you want to know more and learn about these topics from those who dedicate their time to learn, so that they can share with others please open a new thread.

Generally there are rules and guidance to keep things on topic and ensure everyone gets what they need. Members should practice understanding when sharing ideas. Users and volunteers will be proud that the advice they give is accurate and appropriate to the best of their ability. In order for this to happen it is necessary to clarify what is needed and expected, this sharing and building of ideas needs the engagement of those involved.
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